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Dog Bites Threaten Postal Workers Making Holiday Deliveries

 Posted on December 12,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Naperville dog bite injury lawyerDuring the pandemic and the “new normal” that has followed, home deliveries have skyrocketed, and, unfortunately, so have dog bites. Last year, more than 5,400 postal employees in the country were attacked by dogs with Illinois ranking among the top ten states with the most number of dog bites. Now that we are in the thick of the holiday rush, it is probably a good idea to keep your pooch indoors or behind a secured fence if you want to avoid legal trouble.

Dog Bite Law in Illinois 

Aggressive dog behaviors pose a serious threat to postal employees. Last year, at least 226 mail carriers in Illinois reported that they suffered canine bites. A vicious dog attack can cause serious injuries as well as emotional trauma. Under state law, a dog owner is liable if their dog hurts someone, regardless of whether or not the owner knew that the dog might be dangerous.

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Are Pit Bulls Really as Dangerous as They Seem?

 Posted on November 08,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Illinois dog bite injury lawyerEven as it seems pit bulls make national headlines almost every week for a serious or fatal dog attack, a cottage industry of pit bull apologists has taken up the cause of defending the rights and reputations of these dogs. According to pit bull advocates, pit bulls are the same as any other dog, with the same potential for positive traits like love and gentleness, as well as negative traits like aggression and defensiveness.

Regardless of what pit bull advocates say, however, the statistics tell a very different story. Not only are pit bulls more likely to seriously maim and kill than other dog breeds, but the number of serious pit bull attacks is on the rise. The causes of rising rates of pit bull attacks are debatable; perhaps vicious owners are more likely to buy pit bulls because of their reputation, making for much more vicious pit bull dogs; perhaps pit bulls and other bully breeds really are more vicious. Whatever the reason, at the end of the day, if you or someone you love has suffered from a pit bull bite attack through no fault of your own, you deserve compensation.  

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Dangerous and Deadly Dog Attacks Make Recent Headlines

 Posted on October 18,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Illinois dog bite injury lawyerJust a few days ago, an elderly woman, her husband, and a responding police officer were attacked by a neighbor’s pit bull in North Carolina. The woman was so badly attacked that her foot had to be amputated, and her husband also suffered serious injuries to his hands, arms, and body. The responding police officer shot the dog after it bit her in the leg, too. The dog was later euthanized. Just a day later, two children were killed by their family’s pit bull in Tennessee, and their mother was hospitalized for injuries she sustained as she tried to protect them. 

Similar dog attacks happen all over the country at terrifying rates, and Illinois is consistently rated as one of the states with the highest rates of dog attacks. While most dogs never attack anyone, those who do tend to attack more than once and their owners are responsible for ensuring the dog is carefully controlled. When someone in Illinois is attacked by a vicious dog, Illinois law may allow them to recover compensation for their injuries. It is crucial to speak with an Illinois dog bite attorney who can help you litigate your case.

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What Kind of Behavior Is Considered Provoking a Dog?

 Posted on September 13,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Illinois dog bite injury lawyerAn aggressive dog can terrorize a neighborhood, especially one with children. When a dog owner does not properly restrain their dog - and even sometimes when they do - a dog’s lunging, barking, and other aggressive acts towards passersby can be frightening and dangerous. Illinois law requires dogs on private property to be enclosed by a fence at least six feet high, but many, if not most, dog owners do not abide by this law. 

After a dog attack occurs and someone is injured, the injured party and their family may be outraged to hear the dog’s owner accusing them of provoking the dog. And while this may seem like a weak defense, in certain cases, it can be surprisingly effective. Read on to learn more about what kind of behavior is considered provoking a dog and then contact an experienced dog bite attorney to get help with your case. 

Provoking a Dog Before an Attack

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Dog Bite Facts and Laws You Should Know

 Posted on August 23,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Chicago dog bite injury lawyerA dog bite can be very dangerous. Even if a bite does not seem serious at first, the potential for a serious infection remains. Of course, other bites are clearly very serious right away. Children are at particular risk for serious dog attacks, as they are more likely than an adult to unintentionally provoke a dog. Dog bites can lead to all sorts of complications. Disfigurement is a very common complaint in dog bite cases, particularly when a person’s face or arms have been bitten. Many will be left with scars around the bite area that will never go away. It can also be a very traumatic experience.

Even a normally friendly-looking dog can become terrifying in an instant when it begins to show aggression. If you are one of the many people who have been bitten by a dog this year, you may be entitled to compensation from the dog’s owner. 

Dog Bite Facts and Statistics Everyone Should Be Aware Of

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Will the Dog Be Put Down If I Report a Bite?

 Posted on July 08,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Chicago dog bite injury attorneyAnimal lovers are often more likely to be bitten by a dog than those who generally dislike dogs. People who love dogs are more likely to approach and try to pet any dog they encounter, while others are more likely to keep their distance from strange pets. If you were recently bitten by a dog, you may be wondering whether reporting the bite and pursuing a claim against the owner could cost the dog its life. Dog lovers often do not want this result, even if the dog in question has caused them harm. 

In Illinois, it is not likely that a dog will be put down simply for biting, especially if it is the animal’s first bite. However, the owner may be subjected to additional restrictions designed to reduce the likelihood of a repeat incident. Reporting the bite is generally the right move, as it not only opens the door for you to recover compensation, but it also may protect someone else in the future from getting bit. 

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How Irresponsible Dog Owners Contribute to Bites

 Posted on June 13,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Illinois dog bite liability lawyerOwning a pet of any kind is a big responsibility. Pet owners must ensure that they are able to care for their pet. This can involve providing food and veterinary care as well as adequate exercise and cleanliness. One of the other major responsibilities that come with getting a dog is preventing the dog from causing harm to others.

In Illinois, dog owners are strictly liable for any injuries their pet causes. This means that dog owners are completely responsible for having such control over their pet as to prevent it from biting or attacking anyone else. Dogs with responsible owners are far less likely to ever be given the opportunity to bite. Irresponsible owners are more likely to put the dog in a position where it will hurt someone. If you were bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to recover compensation from its owner. 

What Mistakes by Irresponsible Owners Lead to Dog Bites?

There are a few basic steps all dog owners should take to drastically reduce the likelihood that their dog will injure someone. Irresponsible dog owners may contribute to dog bites by engaging in careless practices like: 

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5 Reasons Children Are at Greater Risk Than Adults for Dog Bites

 Posted on May 17,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Illinois dog bite injury lawyerAnyone can be bitten by an aggressive dog. Even adults can suffer serious injuries as a result of dog attacks. Children, however, are particularly vulnerable to dangerous dogs. They are also more likely to be seriously harmed when they are attacked by a dog. Most breeds that are often associated with aggressiveness, such as pit bulls and German Shepherds, are large breeds likely to outweigh a young child. 

It is important for parents to discuss dog safety with their children to reduce the likelihood of a bite. However, even if a child knows exactly what to do around a potentially aggressive dog, they may not be able to protect themselves. If your child was injured by a dog, you may be able to recover financial compensation on their behalf. In Illinois, dog owners are responsible for preventing their pets from harming others and can be held legally liable should they fail to do so. 

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Large Dogs vs. Small Dogs: Who Has the Bigger Bite?

 Posted on April 19,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

DuPage County dog bite injury lawyerWhether on a public sidewalk, at a local park, or on someone else’s property, dog bites can be frightening and dangerous. All breeds of dogs are capable of biting and causing injuries to people. While larger breeds typically inflict the most severe injuries, small dogs have a reputation for frequent nipping. Even if they do not always have the reputation of some of the larger breeds, small breeds can still pack a big bite. Smaller breeds do not appear on the list of dogs most likely to cause significant injury or deaths, but they are counted among the highest for frequency of bites.

The likelihood for a dog to bite can depend on the breed. Some larger breeds like golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers are not statistically frequent biters. At the same time, some smaller breeds, like chihuahuas and miniature poodles, are among the more aggressive breeds when it comes to the number of dog bites. That is not to say that breeds with lower biting frequencies will never bite.

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Why Are Some Dog Breeds More Likely to Cause Serious Bite Injuries?

 Posted on March 03,2022 in Dog Bite Injuries

Naperville Dog Bite Injury LawyerMore Illinois families buy dogs every year, and while most dogs never bite or injure anyone, more dogs mean more dog bites. Every year, approximately 4.5 million dog bites are estimated to occur in the U.S. and around half of these bites happen to children. The vast majority of these bites cause no or very minor injuries and do not need medical treatment. But certain dog breeds are notorious for biting aggressively and, once having bitten, not letting go—which is when the most serious injuries occur. Here are the breeds most commonly responsible for serious and fatal dog bites in the United States. 

Pit Bulls

Despite making up only six percent of the U.S. dog population, pit bulls are responsible for about 65 percent of fatal dog bites. Pit bull attacks in particular cause serious injuries because they tend to bite in more than one location, to attack without provocation, and to attack strangers. While many pit bull advocates say that when a pit bull is properly raised and trained, they can make great family dogs, pit bulls are often bred and purchased by people who intend to use these dogs as guard and attack animals. 

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Contact an Illinois Dog Bite Attorney

If you have suffered a dog bite injury, our personal injury lawyers can help you determine the actual value of the damages you have suffered, and we will work to help you recover the compensation you deserve. Call us at 630-552-6860 or fill out the form below to arrange a free consultation.

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