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What Do Illinois Residents Need to Know About Fatal Dog Attacks?

 Posted on February 13,2020 in Dog Bite Injuries

Plainfield personal injury attorney for fatal dog bitesWhen individuals or families are looking to adopt a dog, it is important to consider every possible factor. For example, although canines are often viewed as fun-loving, playful animals, certain sounds or actions may lead to aggressive forms of behavior. A dog bite attack can leave a victim suffering from nerve damage, disfiguring scars, and various other injuries. In the most extreme cases, a wrongful death can result from an attack. If your loved one has lost their life due to the negligence of a dog owner, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you seek financial compensation for your loss.    

Aggressive Dog Breeds

Despite the fact that a dog may seem friendly and non-threatening, it is possible that an act of aggression can happen unexpectedly. Although it is possible that any breed of dog can act violently, there are certain breeds that may be more likely to attack. For instance, some of the breeds that are more commonly linked to aggressive actions include:

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Why Are Children at a Higher Risk of Dog Bite Injuries?

 Posted on January 27,2020 in Dog Bite Injuries

Naperville dog bite attorney child injuriesThroughout the United States, dogs have become one of the most popular pets for people of all ages. Families will often welcome canines into their household to provide protection and companionship for their young children. Although a dog is often viewed as man's best friend, the possibility of an attack is a concern for many families, especially with younger kids. Nerve damage, scarring and disfigurement, severe injuries, and wrongful deaths can all result from a physical assault from these animals. Before allowing your child to have contact with a canine, it is important to understand what behaviors can place them at a higher risk of an attack.     

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How to Identify Aggressive Animal Behaviors That May Lead to Dog Bites

 Posted on January 05,2020 in Dog Bite Injuries

Wheaton dog bite lawyerDogs are often viewed as furry companions to men, women, and children, and they are usually expected to be friendly and loving to whoever interacts with them. While this is true in many situations, it is impossible to predict how an animal is going to behave. Dogs may unexpectedly become violent or aggressive, biting someone and causing serious injuries. If you or a loved one have suffered a dog bite injury, you may be able to recover financial compensation from the animal's owner.

Examples of Aggressive Dog Behaviors

Dogs will typically display aggressive behavior if they feel threatened. For instance, a dog may become more hostile when protecting their territory or offspring. There are several behavioral tendencies that dogs may display that indicate that they may attack someone, such as:

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What Actions Can Help Prevent a Dog Attack?

 Posted on December 31,2019 in Dog Bite Injuries

What Actions Can Help Prevent a Dog Attack?It is not uncommon for a person to display signs of love and affection towards a canine. Often referred to as man's best friend, a dog can be playful and joyous in many situations. However, a canine’s behavior can be impossible to predict, and severe injuries could result from a dog attack. Although it may be tempting to try and pet or interact with a dog, your conduct should be well thought out. Before any actions are taken towards a canine, there are several “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that should be considered.  

Appropriate Conduct

Due to the fact that an animal attack can be unpredictable, it is always important to consider how a canine might interpret your behavior. Regardless if you are familiar with the dog or not, a miscalculated action could put a dog into a defensive mindset. Before you attempt to interact with a canine, it is considered a best practice to:

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How Does Illinois Hold Negligent Pet Owners Liable for Dog Attacks?

 Posted on December 25,2019 in Dog Bite Injuries

How Does Illinois Hold Negligent Pet Owners Liable for Dog Attacks?According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), more than 4.5 million people each year are bitten by dogs in the United States. In addition, it is estimated that roughly 800,000 victims require medical attention after an attack. Loss of wages coinciding with treatment can lead to a significant financial strain for the victim. In order to hold the correct party responsible for a canine’s reckless actions, the state of Illinois has enacted several laws and regulations for dog attacks. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite, it is important to speak to an experienced personal injury attorney.  

Strict Liability

In Illinois, a canine owner can be responsible for any injuries that occur if their pet attacks another person. According to (510 ILCS 5/16), if a dog or other animal attacks, or attempts to attack, a person without provocation in any place where the victim may lawfully be, the owner can be liable for the full amount of the injuries. For example, if a dog attacked a house guest without a justifiable cause, the owner could be held accountable. It should be recognized that liability laws vary from state to state.   

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What Diseases Can Result from a Dog Bite Injury?

 Posted on November 23,2019 in Dog Bite Injuries

What Diseases Can Result from a Dog Bite Injury?Known as man’s best friend, a dog can provide companionship and joy to animal lovers. Although dogs can be trained to follow certain behaviors, it is impossible to completely control a dog’s actions. Loud noises, unfamiliar people, or specific practices could lead to a dog acting with aggression. If a dog bite does take place, outcomes such as scars and disfigurement, nerve damage, and wrongful deaths can result. In addition, the spreading of germs can cause serious infections in a victim. If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, speaking to an experienced attorney can help in your pursuit of compensation.   

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How Can Insurance Factor into a Dog Bite Lawsuit in Illinois?

 Posted on November 13,2019 in Dog Bite Injuries

How Can Insurance Factor into a Dog Bite Lawsuit in Illinois?In the event that a person is injured from a dog bite attack, he or she may be able to hold the owner liable for civil damages. Pain and suffering, serious injuries, and wrongful deaths can result from an unprovoked animal attack. On average, homeowners’ insurance companies pay out more than $300 million per year for dog bite injuries. Medical bills, lost wages, disability or disfigurement, and trauma can all factor into the amount of compensation that the victim is owed. Depending on whether or not the guilty party has insurance, the route to compensation may be drastically different.

What to Do After the Dog Bite?

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Which Dog Breeds Pose the Greatest Threat for Bite Injuries?

 Posted on November 08,2019 in Dog Bite Injuries

Kane County dog bite injury lawyer

According to a recent report from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), close to 5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs on an annual basis. These studies also reveal that children make up the largest number of victims of dog bites and that more children are bitten by family pets than by random, stray dogs. As much as these statistics tell us, narrowing down the types of dogs involved and the nature of the incidents has been more difficult. Identifying which dog breeds are most responsible for victim injuries has been heavily debated among experts and the general public in recent years.

The Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

In order to delve further into the big questions surrounding dog bites, researchers from the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University combined data from two primary factors: decades worth of breed-specific data, and detailed reports of bite trauma cases. They examined the bite severity of these cases, all of which involved injury to the face. They looked at everything from wound size and the tearing of tissue to more severe bone fractures and bone structural damage. This study allowed the researchers to assess both the frequency of bites as well as the severity. Here is what they discovered:

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Contact an Illinois Dog Bite Attorney

If you have suffered a dog bite injury, our personal injury lawyers can help you determine the actual value of the damages you have suffered, and we will work to help you recover the compensation you deserve. Call us at 630-552-6860 or fill out the form below to arrange a free consultation.

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